Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Company profile

  • Company name: 株式会社しあわせ堂
  • Address: 658-0032, 2F, East Court 2, 1-14, Koyo-cho Naka, Higashinada-ku, Hyogo, Japan
  • Phone number: +81-78-954-7001

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Credit card
  • PayPal


The price is indicated on a product’s page and includes Japanese consumption tax.

Extra charges

  • Non-standard shipping on client's request
  • Repacking on client's request

Due date for payment

  • Credit card: depends on the policy of the credit card issuer.
  • Bank transfer: payment via bank transfer must be made within 3 days after the order. The order will be proceeded, when we receive payment confirmation.
  • Paypal: payment via Paypal transfer must be made within 3 days after the order. The order will be proceeded, when we receive payment confirmation.

Delivery time

We start proceeding order, as soon as we receive payment confirmation.

Goods available in stock are shipped within 3 days (in case of unexpected trouble or shipping congestion, a shipment may be delayed). Goods that are out of stock will be shipped within 30 days.

However, we may cancel shipment, regardless of customer’s request, if shipping within 30 days is impossible. Before the goods are shipped, customer can cancel an order. This rule doesn’t apply to special orders.

Return or Exchange Policy

Usually, goods can be returned or exchanged within 7 days of receiving your order, providing the product(s) have not been opened or used. In case of return, customer pays shipping fee. Some items can not be returned or exchanged. The company may refuse to refund or exchange goods.

In some countries customs duty may be charged. Customs duty is not included in a product’s price or a shipping fee. Customs duty has to be paid by client, therefore, before making the order, we suggest that you specify the amount, which can be imported duty-free.